The overall aim of the qualification program for our doctoral candidates is to experience the particular value of a broad and explicitly interdisciplinary research program, which is required to develop innovative sustainable solutions towards currently pressing problems in medicine, wildlife conservation, and food production.

The 2.5-months Rotation period takes place during the first year and consists of short internships in other labs of the RTG. It aims at ensuring that the doctoral candidates acquire a good understanding of the breadth of research topics covered in the RTG and experience the particular value of a broad interdisciplinary research approach.
TransEvo Core Seminar
The TransEvo Core Seminar is mandatory and takes place once per month. It provides a forum for scientific discussions and a social get-together of the doctoral candidates and postdocs. The seminar accommodates a keynote lecture, a journal club, peer-mentoring activities, and is complemented by a concluding social event.
The RTG TransEvo teaching program offers a comprehensive collection of courses from which doctoral candidates can choose in consideration of personal needs and interests. The following mandatory modules are critical for the TransEvo research agenda:
Foundations in Translational Evolutionary Research
Biological Data Analysis
Good Scientific Practice
Research Data Management
Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)
The regular Thesis Advisory Committee meetings provide advice on required and useful courses
Annual RTG Retreat
The annual RTG retreat is a 2-3 days conference fostering academic exchange among young scientists, supporting the establishment of a scientific network and providing the possibility to present scientific results to fellow doctoral candidates as well as an international and diverse crowd of scientists.
Postdoctoral qualification program
In addition to the training of doctoral candidates, the RTG TransEvo offers a special qualification program for early-stage postdocs.