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da Silva, Özer O, Haller-Caskie M, ... , Kolbe D, ... , Nebel A and Krause-Kyora B (2025):  
Admixture as a source for HLA variation in Neotithic European farming communities.
Genome Biology.

Yang Q, Traulsen A & Altrock PM (2025):  
Integration of immune cell-target cell conjugate changes the time scale of immune control in cancer.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology.


Barilar I, Fernando T, ... , Niemann S & Viegas S (2024): 
Emergence of bedaquiline-resistant tuberculosis and of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis strains with rpoB Ile491Phe mutation not detected by Xpert MTB/RIF in Mozambique: a retrospective observational study.
Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Bonczarowska JH, Caliebe A, Oezer O, da Silva N, Mejia NM, Pedersen DD, Boldsen J, Weise S, Larsen LA, Seeberg L, Søvsø M, Haase K, Rieger D, Prescher A, Krause-Kyora B & Nebel A (2024): 
Ancient DNA study provides clues to leprosy susceptibility in medieval Europe.
Research Square.

Dewan I & Uecker H (2024):  
Is the distribuiton of plasmid lengths bimodal?

Hanke DM, Wang Y & Dagan T (2024):  
Pseudogenes in plasmid genomes reveal past transitions in plasmid mobility
Nucleic Acid Research.

Pappert FA, Dubin A, Torres G & Roth O (2024):  
Navigating sex and sex roles: deciphering sex-biase gene expression in a species with sex-role reversal (Syngnathus typhle)
Royal Society Open Science.

Pappert FA, Kolbe D, Dubin A & Roth O (2024):  
The effect of parental age on the quantity and quality of offspring in Syngnathus thyphle, a species with male pregnancy
Evolutionary Applications.

Philipp LM, Brauer A, Carstensen M & Sebens S (2024):  
Das Potenzial von Liquid Biopsy in der Diagnostik und Frueherkennung des Pankreaskarzinoms
Journal Onkologie.

Philipp L, Yesilyurt U, Surrow A, Kuenstner A, Mehdorn A, Hauser C, Gundlach J, Will O, Hoffmann P, Stahmer L, Franzenburg S, Knaack H, Schumacher U, Busch H & Sebens S (2024):  
Epithelial and Mesenchymal-like Pancreatic Cancer Cells Exhibit Different Stem Cell Phenotypes Associated with Different Metastatic Propensities

Schneider RF, Dubin A, Marten SM & Roth O (2024):  
Parent-specific transgenerational immune priming enhances offspring defense - unless heat-stress negates it all

Sprenger C, Saldivia Gonzatti I, Kroeger L, Fleet CR, Voss R & Rickels W (2024):  
Strong versus weak sustainabl development in the blue economy: a study of 15 EU costal countries
npj Ocean Sustainability.

Taliadoros D, Feurtey A, Wyatt N Gladieux P, Friesen T & Stukenbrock EH (2024):  
Emergence and spread of the barley net blotch pathogen coincided with crop domestication and cultivation history
PLoS Genetics.

Tueffers L, Batra A, Zimmermann J, Botelho J, Buchholz F, Liao J, Mendoza Mejia N, Munder A, Klockgether J, Tuemmler B, Rupp J & Schulenburg H (2024): 
Variation in the response to antibiotics and life-history across the major Pseudomonas aeruginosa clone type (mPact) panel
Microbiology Spectrum.

Wang Y & Dagan T (2024): 
The evolution of antibiotic resistance islands occurs within the framework of plasmid lineages.
Nature Communications.

Yang Q, Traulsen A & Altrock P (2024): 
Integration of immune cell-target cell conjugate dynamics changes the time scale of immune control of cancer


Borges ASG, Basu M, Brinks E, Bang C, Cho GS, Baines JF, Franke A & Franz CMAP (2023):  
Fast Identification Method for Screening Bacteria from Faecal Samples Using Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION Sequencing
Current Microbiology.

Botelho J, Cazares A & Schulenburg H (2023):  
The ESKAPE mobilome contributes to the spread of antimicrobial resistance and CRISPR-mediated conflict between mobile genetic elements
Nucleic Acids Research.

Botelho J, Tüffers L, Fuss J, Buchholz F, Utpatel C, Klockgether J, Niemann S, Tümmler B & Schulenburg H (2023):  
Phylogroup-specific variation shapes the clustering of antimicrobial resistance genes and defence systems across regions of genome plasticity in Pseudomonas aeruginosa
eBio Medicine.

Bozarro C, Rupp J, Stolpe M & Schulenburg H (2023):  
Das gute Leben heute und morgen: Antibiotikaresistente Keime als Nachhaltigkeitsproblem in der Medizin
Ethik in der Medizin.

Dewan I & Uecker H (2023):  
A mathematician's guide to plasmids: an introduction to plasmid biology for modellers

Du DH, Geskus RB, Zhao Y, ... , Niemann S, ... , Thuong NTT & Walker TM (2023):  
The effect of M. tuberculosis lineage on clinical phenotype.
PLoS Global Public Health.

Geoffroy F & Uecker H (2023):  
Limits to adaptation on conjugative plasmids
Theoretical Population Biology

Kolbe D, da Silva NA, Dose J, Torres GG, Calibe A, Krause-Kyora B & Nebel A (2023):  
Current allele distribution of the human longevity gene APOE in Europe can mainly be explained by ancient admixture
Aging Cell.

Nies F, Wein T, Hanke DM, Springstein BL, Alcorta J, Taubenheim C & Dagan T (2023):  
Role of natural transformation in the evolution of small cryptic plasmids in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803
Environmental Microbiology Reports.

Pappert FA, Wuest VA, Fontanes Eguiguren C & Roth O (2023):  
Surviving on limited resources: effects of caloric restriction on growth, gene expression and gut microbiota in a species with male pregnancy (Hippocampus erectus)

Raatz M & Traulsen A (2023):  
Promoting extinction or minimizing growth? The impact of treatment on trait trajectories in evolving populations

Schenk H, Zimmermann F & Quaas M (2023):  
The economics of reversing fisheries-induced evolution
Nature Sustainability.

Shah S, Philipp LM, Sebens S, Traulsen A & Raatz M (2023):  
Understanding and leveraging phenotypic plasticity during metastasis formation
npj Systems Biology and Applications.

Sonnenkalb L, Carter JJ, et al., Niemann S (2023):  
Bedaquiline and clofazimine resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: an in-vitro and in-silico data analysis
The Lancet.

Taliadoros D & Stukenbrock EH (2023):  
The use of evolutionary analyses to predict functionally relevant traits in filamentous plant pathogens
Current Opinion in Microbiology.


Geoffroy F, Traulsen A & Uecker H (2022):  
Vaccination strategies when vaccines are scarce: on conflicts between reducing the burden and avoiding the evolution of escape mutants
Journal of the Royal Society Interface.

Han KY, Kroeger L, Buchholz F, Dewan I, Quaas M, Schulenburg H & Reusch TBH (2022):  
The economics of microbiodiversity
Ecological Economics.

Torres GG, Dose J, …, Kolbe D & Nebel A et al. (2022):  
Long-lived individuals show a lower burden of variants predisposing to age-related diseases and a higher polygenic longevity score
International Journal of Molecular Sciences.


Basu M*, Philipp L*, Sebens S & Baines JF (2021): 
The microbiome tumor axis: how the microbiome could contribute to clonal heterogeneity and disease outcome in pancreatic cancer
Frontiers in Oncology. *shared first authorship

Batra A*, Roemhild R*, Rousseau E, Franzenburg S, Niemann S & Schulenburg H (2021): 
High potency of sequential therapy with only beta-lactam antibiotics
eLife. *shared first authorship

Group Young Researchers in Inflammatory Carcinogenesis, Wandmacher AM, Mehdorn AS & Sebens S (2021): 
The heterogeneity of the tumor microenvironment as essential determinant of development, progression and therapy response of pancreatic cancer

Raatz M, Shah S, Chitadze G, Brüggemann M & Traulsen A (2021):
The impact of phenotypic heterogeneity of tumour cells on treatment and relapse dynamics
PLoS Computational Biology.

Reusch TBH, Baums IB & Werner B (2021): 
Evolution via somatic genetic variation in modular species
Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Wang Y, Batra A, Schulenburg H & Dagan T (2021): 
Gene sharing among plasmids and chromosomes reveals barriers for antibiotic resistance gene transfer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B

Wein T*, Wang Y*, Barz M, Stuecker F, Hammerschmidt K & Dagan T (2021): 
Essential gene acquisition destabilizes plasmid inheritance
PLoS Genetics. *shared first authorship


Ebert MK, Rangel LI, Spanner RE, Taliadoros D, Wang X, Friesen TL, de Jonge R, Neubauer JD, Secor GA, Thomma BPHJ, Stukenbrock EH & Boldton MD (2020): 
Identification an characterization of Cercospora beticola necrosis-inducing effector CbNip1 
Molecular Plant Pathology.

Schenk H, Schulenburg H & Traulsen A (2020): 
How long do Red Queen dynamics survive under genetic drift? A comparative analysis of evolutionary and eco-evolutionary models
BMC Ecology and Evolution

Merker M, Tueffers L, Vallier M, Groth E, Sonnenkalb L, Unterweger D, Baines J, Niemann S & Schulenburg H (2020): 
Evolutionary approaches to combat antibiotic resistance: opportunities and challenges for precision medicine
Frontiers in Immunolgy.

Haensel MC, Schmidt JO, Stiasny MH, Stoven M., Voss R & Quaas MF (2020): 
Ocean warming and acidification may drag down the commercial Arctic cod fishery by 2100

Hassani MA, Özkurt E, Franzenburg S & Stukenbrock EH (2020): 
Ecological assembly processes of the bacterial and fungal microbiota of wild and domesticated wheat species 
Phytobiomes Journal.

Heckwolf MJ, Meyer BS, Häsler R et al. (2020): 
Two different epigenetic information channels  in wild three-spined sticklebacks are involved in salinity adaptation 
Science Advances

Köster FW, Huwer B , Kraus G et al. (2020): 
Egg production methods applied to Eastern Baltic cod provide indices of spawning stock dynamics 
Fisheries Research.

Olivia Roth O,  Hongrø Solbakken M, Tørresen OK et al. (2020): 
Evolution of male pregnancy associated with remodeling of canonical vertebrate immunity in seahorses and pipefishes 

Seybold H, Demetrowitsch TJ, Hassani MA et al. (2020): 
A fungal pathogen induces systemic susceptibility and systemic shifts in wheat metabolome and microbiome composition
Nature Communications.

Szymczak S, Dose J, Torres GG, et al. (2020): 
DNA methylation QTL analysis identifies new regulators of human longevity
Human Molecular Genetics