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Congratulations to Dr. Ian on successfully defending his thesis!

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Congratulations to Dr. Lina on successfully defending her thesis!

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Evolution by the Sea 2024: Kieler Tagung zur Translationalen Evolutionsforschung

GRK TransEvo und Kiel Evolution Center veranstalten Konferenz zur Anwendung evolutionsbiologischer Prinzipien in Medizin, Naturschutz und Nahrungsmittelproduktion

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Reckoned without one's host: Transmission of tuberculosis does not only depend on the pathogen

Different groups of TB bacteria exist worldwide with different regional distribution: some are generalists and can be found on many continents, others are very limited in their spread. An international team of researchers has now been able to show for the first time that the specialist strains spread more effectively among suitable hosts from the same geographical area, whereas generalist strains can spread in different host populations from a variety of geographical settings. The transmissibility of tuberculosis therefore depends not only on the pathogen or the host but also on their combination.

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Congratulations to Dr. Daniel on successfully defending his thesis!

"Evolutionary and genetic aspects of human longevity"

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Novel Genetic Clock discovers oldest known marine plant

An international research team led by Professor Dr Thorsten Reusch from the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel has discovered the oldest known marine plant using a novel genetic clock. This 1400-year-old seagrass clone from the Baltic Sea dates back to the Migration Period. The research project is a significant step towards better understanding and protecting marine ecosystems. The study with the results is published today in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.

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TransEvo research training group for applied evolutionary research continues to receive funding

German Research Foundation funds the international doctoral program “Translational Evolutionary Research” at Kiel University for another 4.5 years

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Congratulations to Dr. Amar on successfully defending his thesis!

"Genetic analysis of Cercospora leaf spot resistance in species of genus Beta"

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TransEvo members joining the "Rent-a-scientist" program within the framework of the "Science Festival" Kiel

Rent-a-Scientist is a free offer to school classes to have a scientist design a lesson on a specific topic.

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Congratulations to Dr. Sofia on successully defending her thesis!

“Exploring the impact of the human FUT2 gene on gut lactobacilli and bifidobacteria to improve gut health through personalised probiotics”

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Joint Winter School GenTransEvo

The two RTGs GenEvo from Mainz and our TransEvo will join forces for a
winter school in the "Akademie Waldschlösschen" near Göttingen in November 2024

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TransEvo goes Club EvMed

Our RTG TransEvo supports the seminar series Club EvMed with a couple of
talks on antibiotic resistance evolution, including talks by Barbora
Trubenova, Jens Rolff, Csaba Pal, and Pamela Yeh

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TransEvo supports ISEMPH 2026

The prestigious annual meeting of the International Society of
Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health will take place in Kiel in July
2026 - with a central contribution of our RTG TransEvo

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Congratulations to Dr. Meghna on successfully defending her thesis!

"Characterizing trade-offs of the FUT2 gene for the improvement of gut health"

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Congratulations to Dr. Kwi on successully defending her thesis!

"Genomics of Fisheries Induced Evolution"

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Congratulations to Dr. Saumil on successfully defending his thesis!

"Modelling therapeutic options in pancreatic cancer cell lines"

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Congratulations to Dr. Demetris on successfully defending his thesis!

"Plant pathogen evolution on wild and domesticated hosts"

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Congratulations to Dr. Flo on successfully defending his thesis!

"Robustness of evolution-informed treatments across the genomic diversity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa"

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Darwin day 2023 on translational evolutionary research

Students from schools in Schleswig-Holstein and all over Germany took advantage of the Kiel University's Science Outreach offer in person and online.

Check out all Darwin day talks here

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Congratulations to Dr. Freya on successfully defending her thesis!

"Pregnancy, late-life fertility and longevity in the sex-role reversed pipefish."

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Congratulations to Dr. Lisa-Marie on successfully defending her thesis!

"The impact of clonal heterogeneity and plasticity on malignancy associated properties and therapy response in pancreatic cancer."

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Promotion of young researchers and career development in evolutionary research

The "Evolution by the Sea" annual conference is an occasion to reward excellence among the young scientists from the participating research consortia. Two Isabelle Olivieri Medals, each endowed with 5000 euros, will be awarded for outstanding publications in the field of translational evolutionary research. The medals go to Hanna Schenk and Kwi Han for their work on the significance of ecological and evolutionary changes due to overfishing, as well as on the special value of diversity in the microbiome, respectively. In addition, the TransEvo Innovation Prize is awarded as a start-up fund for interdisciplinary and innovative post-doctoral projects in the field of translational evolutionary research, after completion of the doctoral thesis. Florian Buchholz and Freya Pappert receive the award, which comes with 45,000 euros each, to tackle research projects in the field of antibiotic resistance evolution and changes in gender roles in the animal kingdom, respectively.

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Princeton professor speaks in Kiel on pathogen evolution and population immunity

US evolutionary biologist Jessica Metcalf talks as a keynote speaker at the "Evolution by the Sea" conference of the Kiel evolutionary biology research initiatives

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New research portrait of TransEvo PI - Susanne Sebens - now online

Joint project across CAU research initiatives to, once a month, highlight one female researcher within the scientific environment of Kiel University

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Congratulations to Dr. Wang for successfully defending his thesis!

"The evolution of plasmid gene content in Enterobacteriaceae"

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Congratulations to Dr. Aditi for successfully defending her thesis!

"An evolutionary perspective on antibiotic treatment and the spread of resistance"

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New research portrait of TransEvo PI - Olivia Roth - now online

Joint project across CAU research initiatives to, once a month, highlight one female researcher within the scientific environment of Kiel University

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New paper out in Aging Cell by Kolbe & Nebel et al.

Current allele distribution of the human longevity gene APOE in Europe can mainly be explained by ancient admixture.

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New Current Microbiology paper by Borges & Franz et al.

Simplified screening of individual bacterial species in biosamples.

A method developed in the TransEvo research training group saves time and costs when analyzing complex microbiological samples.

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New publication by Sonnenkalb & Niemann et al. in The Lancet

Early identification and combating new antibiotic resistance in tuberculosis.

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How fishermen benefit from reversing evolution of cod

Under long-term fisheries management, evolutionary change, that has resulted in smaller maturation sizes, can be reversed profitably.

Original publication: Hanna Schenk, Fabian Zimmermann, Martin Quaas (2023). The Economics of reversing fisheries-induced evolution. Nature Sustainability.

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ERC grant for plasmid research to Tal Dagan

European Research Council funds research project "pMolEvol" on the evolution of plasmids at Kiel University with 2 Mio Euros

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Eva Stukenbrock receives ERC funding to study fungal pathogens

European Research Council funds "FungalSecrets" research project at Kiel University with 2 Mio Euros to uncover links between fungal pathogens and the plant microbiome

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Science Award of Kiel City for Hinrich Schulenburg

The Kiel Science Prize 2023 will be awarded to the evolutionary ecologist and geneticist Prof. Dr. Hinrich Schulenburg from Kiel University (CAU).

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New platform to highlight female scientists in cutting-edge research networks in Kiel

Joint project across CAU research initiatives to, once a month, highlight one female researcher within the scientific environment of Kiel University

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Leading expert in evolutionary medicine speaks in Kiel about sustainable antibiotic therapies @ "Evolution by the Sea" meeting

Professor Andrew Read from Penn State University is the keynote speaker at the annual conference "Evolution by the Sea" of the evolutionary biology research initiatives at Kiel University and its partner institutions

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"Evolution by the Sea" joint meeting - Registration open!

Please register by August 26, using the link below

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Britt Koskella (UC Berkeley)

"The plant phyllosphere microbiome in health and disease"

June 2 @ 2 p.m. / 4th floor seminar room - ZMB

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Researchers in Schleswig-Holstein fight against antibiotic-resistant germs

They are considered masters of evolution: bacteria. For more and more people, the antibiotics prescribed no longer help. But instead of developing new drugs to fight bacteria, researchers in Kiel and Lübeck are advocating a new strategy.

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14 PhD positions available within the RTG TransEvo

Please apply via the following link by April 21, 2022:

TransEvo seminar by Jens Rolff (Berlin University)

"Evolution of antimicrobial peptide resistance" / March 21 @ 2 p.m. / lecture hall E59 - Biology Center, CAU

ZMB Young Scientist Grant for Aditi Batra. Congratulations!

ZMB Young Scientist Grant Ceremony, Zoom-Webinar on March 3, 2022 /// Please register for Zoom here

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Master project @ MPI Ploen

Interdisciplinary Master project in theoretical ecology and experimental cancer biology 

PhD and then what? Finding out why dogs are awesome

with Takeshi Kawakami, senior research scientist at Embark /// Jan 25 @ 4 p.m. /// contact:

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Congratulations to TransEvo postdoc Michael Raatz !!!

CAU research focus announces 2021 KLS PostDoc Awards for best young researchers in life sciences.
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"Evolution by the Sea" Joint Meeting

Scientists of evolutionary science research initiatives at CAU and its partner institutions meet in the state capital for the first time
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New opinion paper in TREE

Evolution via somatic genetic variation in modular species
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New publication in eLife!

High potency of sequential therapy with only beta-lactam antibiotics
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Florian Henkies im unizeit interview

»Evolution ist Bestandteil von allem, was uns umgibt«

Talks & Discussion

PhD and then what? Working for a clinical genetic testing lab / Feb 22, 3-4 p.m.
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Mentoring Talks

Ophelie Ronce - Feb 9, 4 p.m.
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Leibniz ScienceCampus EvoLUNG receives new funding

New article from the Reusch lab

Yu L, Boström C, Franzenburg S et al. (2020): Somatic genetic drift and multilevel selection in a clonal seagrass. Nature Ecology and Evolution.
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Fungal infections

Systemic suppression of the immune system of wheat. Kiel research team investigates how certain harmful fungi suppress the immune system of their host plants, making them susceptible to new infections.